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Attitude & Expectation

darren keane storm international ceoIn my last article, I discussed today's economy and how your chances of becoming wealthy are far better if you own your own business than they are if you work for someone else.

Now that you know that the opportunity is there, just waiting to be grabbed like a brass ring, I'm going to talk to you about your attitude.
Does that sound like something your 10th grade English teacher said to you? Well, maybe that teacher was right. A lot of us need to have our attitudes toward things straightened out from time to time. But I'm not here to dress you down. In fact, I'd like to tell you how you can directly benefit from making some adjustments in your attitude toward your own future.

It's all about your attitude toward wealth, and how you see it in relation to yourself.
Speaking of 10th grade English, I remember a conversation that I overheard between our teacher and one of my fellow students. It has always stuck in my mind. The boy's name was Darren, and he had just announced that he would be 16 the next day so he would not be back.
He was going to drop out of high school.
The teacher, Mrs. Gray, looked like she wanted to shake him. Instead she said, "Darren, you've got a wonderful mind. I thought for sure you would go to college. If you drop out, you'll be flipping burgers for the rest of your life!"

Darren just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yes ma'am. But that's what we do."
At 16, Darren had already developed the attitude that he would basically be a failure. He had accepted that people in his family, soon to include him, would always work at low-paying, boring jobs. For him, the good life would only be something he watched other people enjoy.

On the other hand, I had great hopes for my future. I wasn't exactly sure what I would do with my life at that point, but I had the attitude and the expectation that I would be successful. I guess I was luckier than Darren, because my parents always told me I could be anything I wanted to be.

On the day Darren announced his plans for the rest of his dismal life, I was thinking that once I had figured out what I wanted for my future, I was capable of achieving anything.
If you, like Darren, have accepted a life that is less than what you want and what you are capable of, the first change you need to make is in your attitude. You don't have to just watch other people drive by in luxury cars or watch airplanes taking off for exotic locations.

You don't have to sigh with envy as you pass a magnificent home. You can own the car, travel anywhere, live in the home of your dreams.
But you have to believe it. You have to expect it. You must focus on what you CAN have and what you WILL achieve.
You must choose to change your attitude, and then work on it. It won't happen overnight. But gradually you must stop accepting whatever life gives you and settling for less than what you really want. You must decide that you will stop letting other people control your life, because once they get hold of it, they don't like to let go.

To avoid the trap so many people fall into, you must change the way you see your future. You also need to ask yourself if you want to continue to let other people make choices that can unexpectedly change your life. After all, it IS your life!
As a business owner, you will make all the choices about your life, your work, and your future.
But first, you must make the choice to become your own person.
I'm ready to help when you're ready to move ahead.

Remember, Step One is to take action. I can and will help you change your life, but you have to let me know that you want to do it. Get that ball rolling by visiting my website. You will find my contact information at the bottom of this article.
Good luck and all my best,
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